Privacy-Preserving Positioning in Wi-Fi Fine Timing Measurement
Authors: Domien Schepers (Northeastern University), Aanjhan Ranganathan (Northeastern University)
Volume: 2022
Issue: 2
Pages: 325–343
Abstract: With the standardization of Wi-Fi Fine Timing Measurement (Wi-Fi FTM; IEEE 802.11mc), the IEEE introduced indoor positioning for Wi-Fi networks. To date, Wi-Fi FTM is the most widely supported Wi-Fi distance measurement and positioning system. In this paper, we perform the first privacy analysis of Wi-Fi FTM and evaluate devices from a wide variety of vendors. We find the protocol inherently leaks location-sensitive information. Most notably, we present techniques that allow any client to be localized and tracked by a solely passive adversary. We identify flaws in Wi-Fi FTM MAC address randomization and present techniques to fingerprint stations with firmware-specific granularity further leaking client identity. We address these shortcomings and present a privacy-preserving passive positioning system that leverages existing Wi-Fi FTM infrastructure and requires no hardware changes. Due to the absence of any client-side transmission, our design hides the very existence of a client and as a sideeffect improves overall scalability without compromising on accuracy. Finally, we present privacy-enhancing recommendations for the current and next-generation protocols such as Wi-Fi Next Generation Positioning (Wi-Fi NGP; IEEE 802.11az).
Keywords: IEEE 802.11, Wi-Fi, Fine Timing Measurement, Privacy, Positioning
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