SublonK: Sublinear Prover PlonK
Authors: Arka Rai Choudhuri (NTT Research), Sanjam Garg (UC Berkeley), Aarushi Goel (NTT Research), Sruthi Sekar (IIT Bombay), Rohit Sinha (Swirlds Labs.)
Volume: 2024
Issue: 3
Pages: 314–335
Abstract: We propose SublonK --- a new succinct non-interactive argument of knowledge (SNARK). SublonK is the first SNARK that achieves both a constant proof size and prover runtime that grows only with the size of the ``active part'' of the executed circuit (i.e., *sub-linear* in the size of the entire circuit) while being *black-box in cryptography*. For instance, consider circuits encoding conditional execution, where only a fraction of the circuit is exercised by the input. For such circuits, the prover runtime in SublonK grows only with the exercised execution path. Our new construction builds on PlonK [Gabizon-Williamson-Ciobotaru, EPRINT'19], a popular state-of-the-art practical zkSNARK, and preserves all its great features --- constant size proofs, constant time proof verification, a circuit-independent universal setup, and support for custom gates and lookup gates. Our techniques are useful for a wide range of applications that involve a circuit executing k steps, where at each step, a (possibly different) s-sized segment is executed from a choice of n segments. Our prover cost for such circuits is O(ks(log (ks) + log(n))). Finally, we show that our improvements are not purely asymptotic. Specifically, we demonstrate the concrete efficiency of SublonK using zkRollups as an example application. Based on our implementation, for parameter choices derived from rollup contracts on Ethereum, n =8, k = 128, s= 2^{16}, the SublonK prover is approximately 4.8x faster than the PlonK prover, and proofs in SublonK are 2.4KB and can be verified in under 50ms.
Keywords: table lookups, succinct non-interactive arguments of knowledge
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