
A lot of information about the hotels in Leuven and how to make a reservation can be found on this page.

We strongly advise you to book your room in time. Leuven has limited accommodation capacity, so block bookings have been made at some hotels to ensure room availability. These bookings expire on June 5th (except Begijnhof Congreshotel on May 16th and Holiday Inn on June 1st), and we cannot guarantee that you will be able to find a hotel room after this date.

The rates of the block bookings are not necessarily the cheapest at those hotels. We encourage you to check for better rates before making your reservation. Do not use the group reservation code if you find a cheaper rate.

At the bottom of this page you can find a map with the location of the hotels (numbers 1 to 6 in the map) and the venue (marked with an X). Leuven is a small circular (and mostly flat) town with a radius of about 1 Km (or 0.6 miles). All locations are within walking distance.

If you need any additional information send us an email to


  • 4 star hotels ****
    • Begijnhof Congreshotel, Tervuursevest 70, 3000 Leuven (nr 1 in map)
      Rooms booked: 30 (until May 16)
      Mention this code when making the reservation: "PET Symposium"
      Block booking rate for a room (breakfast included): 
      • Single: € 155
      • Double: € 180
      Distance from venue : 1 Km, or 20 min. walk.

  • 3 star hotels ***
    • Holiday Inn Garden Court, Alfons Smetsplein 7, 3000 Leuven (nr 3 in map)
      Rooms booked: 20 (until June 1)
      Mention this code when making the reservation (phone or email, doesn't work on the website): "GF 4150"
      Block booking rate for a single room (breakfast included):
      • Weekdays: € 140
      • Weekend: € 105
      Distance from venue : across the street.

    • New Damshire, Schapenstraat 1 (Pater Damiaanplein), 3000 Leuven (nr 6 in map)
      Rooms booked: 25 (until June 5)
      Mention this code when making the reservation: "PET Symposium"
      Block booking rate for a room (breakfast included):
      • Single: € 108
      • Double: € 128
      Distance from venue : 400m, or 10 min. walk.

    • Binnenhof, Maria-Theresiastraat 65, 3000 Leuven (nr 2 in map)
      Rooms booked: 20 (until June 5)
      Mention this code when making the reservation: "G43767  PET Symposium" 
      Block booking rate for a single room (breakfast included):
      • Weekdays: € 110
      • Weekend: € 85
      Block booking rate for a double room (breakfast included):
      • Weekdays: € 125
      • Weekend: € 92
      Distance from venue : 600m, or 15 min. walk.

    • Novotel Leuven Centrum, Vuurkruisenlaan 4, 3000 Leuven (nr 5 in map)
      Rooms booked: 30 (until June 5)
      Mention this code when making the reservation: "K.U.Leuven ESAT 017 812" 
      Block booking rate for a room (breakfast included):
      • Single room: € 75
      • Double room: € 97
      Distance from venue : 1.2 Km, or 25 minutes walk.

  • 2 star hotels **
    • Hotel Ibis, Brusselsestraat 52, 3000 Leuven (nr 4 in map)
      Rooms booked: 40 (until June 5)
      Mention this code when making the reservation: "KUL PET Symposium 011 579" 
      Block booking rate for a single room (breakfast included):
      • Weekday: € 95
      • Weekend: € 85
      Distance from venue : 400m, or 10 min. walk.


(Click image for full resolution)

1: Begijnhof Congreshotel
Tervuursevest 70
3000 Leuven

2: Hotel Binnenhof
Maria-Theresiastraat 65
3000 Leuven
3: Holiday Inn Garden Court
Alfons Smetsplein 7
3000 Leuven
4: Ibis Hotel
Brusselsestraat 52
3000 Leuven

5: Novotel
Vuurkruisenlaan 4
3000 Leuven

6: Hotel New Damshire
Schapenstraat 1
3000 Leuven
X: Conference Venue: College De Valk auditorium 'Zeger Van Hee'
Tiensestraat 41
3000 Leuven
A: Conference Reception (Tue, July 22): KULeuven Hall 'Jubileumzaal'
Naamsestraat 22
3000 Leuven

B: Conference Dinner (Wed, July 23): Faculty Club
Groot Begijnhof 14
3000 Leuven

E: Conference Lunches: Salons Georges
Hogeschoolplein 15
3000 Leuven