2nd Hot Topics in Privacy Enhancing Technologies (HotPETs 2009)
Held in conjunction with the 9th Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium
Aug 5 - Aug 7, 2009, Seattle, WA, USA,
Call for Papers

Important Dates:
- HotPETs submission deadline: May 8, 2009, 23:00 UTC
- HotPETs notification: May 22, 2009
- HotPETs camera-ready deadline: Jun 12, 2009
All deadlines are firm — no extensions.
As data storage gets ever cheaper and data collection and retention become ubiquitous, questions of privacy become more acute. With legal protection of individuals in most jurisdictions hopelessly inadequate, privacy enhancing technologies must rise to meet the challenges and requirements of modern life.
Held in conjunction with the PET Symposium, HotPETs is the forum for hot new ideas and perspectives in this field. We seek to bring privacy related questions and technical solutions to the unique audience of the PETS for discussion and feedback. This year we encourage submissions that explore the human side of privacy: what do people believe about privacy? How does privacy work in existing institutions? We hope that consideration of these kinds of questions will help bring technical solutions to real world deployment.
Submissions may be mature works, but the nature of HotPETs' discussion oriented format is especially suited to work in progress and new ideas that have not yet been fully formed. For this reason accepted papers will be printed in hard copy in extended abstract form for release physically at the workshop, but will not be included in the PETS proceedings so as not to preclude later publication of a full paper. Student submissions are especially welcome.
Suggested topics include but are not restricted to:
- User studies, real world impact of PETs
- Human computer interaction, PETs usability
- Medical perspectives, epidemiology
- Sociological studies, cultural perspectives, and human rights relating to privacy
- Policy, Legal perspectives, and privacy legislation
- Citizen-government, and Government-business interaction
- Anonymous communications and publishing systems, Censorship resistance
- Attacks on privacy and technologies, vulnerabilities, phishing and identity theft
- Economics of privacy
- Deployment infrastructure, Fielded systems, and studies on existing systems
- Privacy-enhanced access control or authentication/certification
- Submission guidelines:
- 11pt font, 15 page maximum, shorter submissions preferred. .pdf and .doc accepted.
- HotPETs chairs:
- Thomas Heydt-Benjamin, IBM Research Zurich
- Andrei Serjantov, The Free Haven Project
Contact us with any questions at:
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