Our Statement of Principles

The Privacy Enhancing Technologies community strives to foster a space for rigorous, challenging intellectual exploration that is at the same time open, inclusive and diverse. We urge PETS participants to engage with one another encouragingly and constructively, and especially encourage participants to interact with those whose viewpoints, research interests, cultural backgrounds, or experiences may be unfamiliar to them or outside their comfort zone.

The organizers expect that anyone participating in PETS will—at minimum—treat others with respect for their dignity and autonomy. Correspondingly, behavior that violates these principles will not be tolerated, and may include sanctions up to and including expulsion from PETS. Anyone who feels threatened or harassed while participating in PETS should not hesitate to reach out to the PETS Safe Spaces contacts and can expect that any concerns shared will be taken seriously and handled with both discretion and dispatch. PETS Safe Spaces contacts are Susan McGregor and Kovila Coopamootoo.