PoPETs Artifact Review

PoPETs reviews and publishes digital artifacts related to its accepted papers. This process aids in the reproducibility of results and allows others to build on the work described in the papers. Artifact submissions are requested from authors of all accepted papers, and although they are optional, we strongly encourage you to submit your artifacts for review.

Possible artifacts include (but are not limited to):

Artifacts are evaluated by the artifact review committee. The committee evaluates the artifacts to ensure that they provide an acceptable level of utility. Issues considered include software bugs, readability of the documentation, appropriate licensing, and the reproducability of the results presented in the paper. After your artifact has been approved by the committee, we will accompany the paper link on petsymposium.org with a link to the artifact along with the obtained artifact badges so that interested readers can find and use your hard work.

Artifact Submission Guidelines

Source Code Submissions

Dataset Submissions

Artifact Badges

Each accepted artifact can be granted up to three badges. During the submission, the authors must select which badges they want their artifacts to be evaluated against. We encourage the authors to choose the badges appropriately, to ease the reviewing effort. Our understanding of the individual badges is aligned with other conferences, e.g., USENIX Security Symposium)

Artifact Available

The "Artifact Available" badge indicates that the artifact is publicly available at a permanent location (not be behind any kind of paywall or restricted access). If the artifact requires you as an author to manually approve requests for access, it is not public and will not qualify for the "Artifact Available" badge. If you have concerns or questions about this badge please contact us directly. Valid hosting options are institutional and third-party digital repositories. Please do not use personal web pages. The link should be persistent; for repositories that evolve over time (e.g., Git repositories), please specify a specific commit-id or tag to be evaluated. The reviewers check that the artifact can be retrieved, and that it includes a license. The reviewers check that the artifact is relevant to the paper. This badge does *not* mean that the reviewers have reproduced the results or checked that the code executes or that they have reproduced the results for full functionality.

Artifact Functional

For the "Artifact Functional" badge the artifact should satisfy these criteria:

Some artifacts may not, by definition, be able to satisfy the completeness or exercisability criteria. For instance, an artifact may have a proprietary machine learning model as a key component of the system, and so, achieving completeness may be difficult. Artifacts may rely on datasets that are too large to be included, or contain personally identifiable information, and so, satisfying exercisability is difficult. We guide authors below, using some examples, on how they can still prepare their artifact to achieve this badge. Additionally, some artifacts, such as longitudinal studies or hardware-based contributions, may be infeasible for the Artifact Reproduced badge (see below), as reviewers have limited time and only commodity hardware available. Nevertheless, these authors can prepare their artifacts for the Artifact Functional badge, as described in the examples:


Consider the experiments in your artifact as arranged in a pipeline of multiple stages, such as data collection, data processing, and producing plots or tables for the paper. The “Completeness” and “Exercisability” criteria require each stage to be represented. Our key advice is to present each stage, including the ones that cannot be fully run. These can be represented in either a simplified manner or run on dummy data to check the functionality of the stage. If possible, provide the expected outcome of the fully run stage such that preceeding stages are performed on 'real' data again. In the following we present some examples:

Artifact Reproduced

The "Artifact Reproduced" badge requires the core contributions of the paper to be reproduced by the reviewers. Authors must specify the commands to run the artifacts clearly and describe how to reproduce each core finding of the paper. Best practice is to point out which part of the paper is reproduced by a given script, e.g., name the table or figure. Also, the authors must highlight which results of the paper are not reproducible with the given artifacts and argue why. Note that minor additional experiments that do not significantly contribute to the paper may not be included in the artifact.

What Makes a Good Submission

To ensure a smooth submission process, please follow the following important guidelines. Firstly, authors should fill out the ARTIFACT-EVALUATION.md file provided and include it in their artifact (either in the README.md file or as a separate file). Mention the badges you deem reasonable for your artifact and, if necessary, describe which stages are simplified or skipped and why. This will help the reviewer better understand your work and ensure a seamless review process. Secondly, prompt communication is essential. Authors are kindly requested to respond to reviews and comments within a time span of two weeks. This will facilitate constructive discussions and allow for timely feedback incorporation. Lastly, in the event that changes are requested during the review process, we kindly ask authors to endeavor to incorporate them, at least partially, within two weeks after the request. Your cooperation in adhering to these guidelines will greatly contribute to the efficiency and effectiveness of our submission and review process. We eagerly anticipate receiving your high-quality contributions and look forward to showcasing your research!

What Makes a Good Review

The goal of our artifact evaluation is to ensure the artifacts are as useful as possible. Towards this goal, artifact evaluation process is interactive and we expect the authors to take into account the reviewers' comments and modify their artifacts accordingly. As such, the reviews should contain sufficient details for the authors to make the appropriate changes; for example, if the code fails, then the review should include the environment that it is run on and the error messages. After the authors have fixed the issues, they will add a comment on the submission site, at which point the reviewers can either approve the artifact or provide additional comments for another rounds of revision.

Volunteer for the Artifact Review Committee

We are looking for volunteers to serve on the artifact evaluation committee. As a committee member, you will perform review of artifacts according to the guidelines above. We are looking for volunteers who will be interested in providing feedback on documentation and instructions, trying to get source code to build, or have experience with re-using published datasets. Please email artifact25@petsymposium.org to be on the artifact evaluation committee.