Rethinking Realistic Adversaries for Anonymous Communication Systems
Authors: Kevin Gallagher (NOVA LINCS, NOVA School of Science and Technology), Diogo Barradas (University of Waterloo), Nuno Santos (INESC-ID and Instituto Superior Técnico)
Year: 2023
Issue: 2
Pages: 81–87
Abstract: Despite large amounts of research into anonymity systems, few works have deviated from the traditional global passive or global active adversaries, or describe adversaries that have unjustified limitations on their abilities to see or interfere with traffic. As such, anonymity systems that consider only these adversaries may miss opportunities to make informed trade-offs about security and utility. In this work we motivate the need for new adversaries against anonymous communication systems, and present some early work towards constructing novel practical adversaries in the anonymity space using real-world examples and limitations. Specifically, we discuss adversary limitations and expansions to adversary ontologies that could better model real world adversaries.
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