Private Shared Random Minimum Spanning Forests
Authors: Marian Dietz (ETH Zurich), Florian Kerschbaum (University of Waterloo)
Volume: 2025
Issue: 2
Pages: 157–172
Abstract: Finding the Minimum Spanning Tree or Forest (MSF) of a weighted graph is one of the most fundamental graph problems. It has many applications, and there are various algorithms to solve it in quasi-linear time. However, in a secure computation setting where the graph is shared between multiple parties, there are no fully satisfactory solutions. Any prior work on this problem either builds a circuit that is fed into a generic multi-party computation protocol, or is limited to graphs that have a unique MSF. In this work, we first identify privacy and fairness issues that arise when the MSF is not necessarily unique, i.e., there exist duplicate edge weights. Subsequently, we consider the notion of a Random Minimum Spanning Forest, which defines a distribution of the desired output in the case where multiple MSFs exist. We carefully design a protocol for this problem in the semi-honest security model. The main insight of our protocol is that we may reveal certain intermediate results over the entire course of the protocol execution (provably without impacting security), which are then used to make decisions that optimize efficiency. No party learns anything about the inputs of other parties except for the produced MSF, not even the number of input edges. Furthermore, the number of communication rounds is low for many typical graphs, which allows running the protocol even when the network latency is high. Our evaluation shows that, depending on the graph structure and its weight distribution, our protocol can outperform the previous baseline by Laud (PoPETs 2015) by up to 2-3 orders of magnitude in terms of running time. From another perspective, this work exposes some disadvantages of using generic compilers to obtain MPC protocols, as their efficiency always equal that of the worst-case input. Our techniques show that even within the context of MPC, it is possible to obtain a secure protocol whose running time is not fixed a-priori, but instead determined by the output that is not known in advance. By carefully studying the desired functionality, this allows for significant efficiency improvements for any realistic inputs.
Keywords: Minimum Spanning Trees, Two-Party Computation
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