
Thanks to the generous sponsorship of Microsoft, we will be able to offer stipends to some participants to help partially offset the costs of attending PETS 2009.

The deadline for the first round of stipends is June 22, 2009. We will award a second round of stipends after the hotel information has been finalized. The deadline for the second round is July 2, 2009.

To apply for a stipend, send email to with a subject line of "PETS-2009 stipend application" including the following information:

There is no guarantee that we will have enough money to fund all applicants. We plan to spend the money in a way that best advances the field of privacy enhancing technologies, through a combination of encouraging new blood as well as experienced researchers.

We will consider all stipend proposals received by June 22 on equal footing. Since some may be waiting for hotel information, we will have a second round of stipends due by July 2. After that, applications will be considered on a first-come first-served basis if we have any money left over.