Dresden, Germany |
Workshop on Privacy Enhancing TechnologiesHotel Elbflorenz Dresden, Germany 26 - 28 March 2003Call for Papers: 3rd Workshop on Privacy Enhancing TechnologiesPrivacy and anonymity are increasingly important in the online world. Corporations and governments are starting to realize their power to track users and their behavior, and restrict the ability to publish or retrieve documents. Approaches to protecting individuals, groups, and even companies and governments from such profiling and censorship have included decentralization, encryption, and distributed trust. Building on the success of the first anonymity and unobservability workshop (held in Berkeley in July 2000) and the second workshop (held in San Francisco in April 2002), this third workshop addresses the design and realization of such privacy and anti-censorship services for the Internet and other communication networks. These workshops bring together anonymity and privacy experts from around the world to discuss recent advances and new perspectives. The workshop seeks submissions from academia and industry presenting novel research on all theoretical and practical aspects of privacy technologies, as well as experimental studies of fielded systems. We encourage submissions from other communities such as law and business that present their perspectives on technological issues. As in past years, we will publish proceedings with LNCS after the workshop. ![]() Suggested topics include but are not restricted to:
Chairs: Alessandro Acquisti, SIMS, UC Berkeley, USA Stefan Brands, Credentica, Canada Jean Camp, Kennedy School, Harvard University, USA David Chaum, USA Richard Clayton, University of Cambridge, England Lorrie Cranor, AT&T Labs - Research, USA Roger Dingledine, The Free Haven Project, USA (program chair) Hannes Federrath, Freie Universitaet Berlin, Germany Ian Goldberg, Zero Knowledge Systems, Canada Marit Hansen, Independent Centre for Privacy Protection Schleswig-Holstein, Germany Markus Jakobsson, RSA Laboratories, USA Brian Levine, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, USA David Martin, University of Massachusetts at Lowell, USA Andreas Pfitzmann, Dresden University of Technology, Germany Matthias Schunter, IBM Zurich Research Lab, Switzerland Andrei Serjantov, University of Cambridge, England Adam Shostack, Canada Paul Syverson, Naval Research Lab, USA Submitted papers must not substantially overlap with papers that have been published or that are simultaneously submitted to a journal or a conference with proceedings. Papers should be at most 15 pages excluding the bibliography and well-marked appendices (using 11-point font and reasonable margins), and at most 20 pages total. Authors are encouraged to follow Springer LNCS format in preparing their submissions. Committee members are not required to read the appendices and the paper should be intelligible without them. The paper should start with the title, names of authors and an abstract. The introduction should give some background and summarize the contributions of the paper at a level appropriate for a non-specialist reader. During the workshop preproceedings will be made available. Final versions are not due until after the workshop, giving the authors the opportunity to revise their papers based on discussions during the meeting. Submissions can be made in Postscript or PDF format. To submit a paper, send a plain ASCII text email to the program chair (arma@mit.edu) containing the title and abstract of the paper, the authors' names, email and postal addresses, phone and fax numbers, and identification of the contact author. To the same message, attach your submission (as a MIME attachment). Papers must be received by December 6, 2002. If you do not receive a confirmation within a day or two, then I did not get your submission. Notification of acceptance or rejection will be sent to authors no later than February 7, 2003, and authors will have the opportunity to revise for the preproceedings version by March 7, 2003. Submission implies that, if accepted, the author(s) agree to publish in the proceedings and to sign a standard Springer copyright release, and also that an author of the paper will present it at the workshop. Final versions (due after the workshop) need to comply with the instructions for authors made available by Springer. |