HotPETs Program

09:15 Opening Remarks

09:30 Anonymous Communication (Chair: Marc Juarez)

10:45 Break – Keller Hall Atrium

11:15 HotPETs Keynote — Josh Aas (Chair: Carmela Troncoso)

How We'll Encrypt the Web
It's critical that we create a more secure and privacy-respecting Web by moving all websites to HTTPS. I'll talk about a practical technical plan for getting there as quickly as possible, including the role that Let's Encrypt has to play, how Let's Encrypt works, and challenges we've faced. I hope to leave people feeling optimistic about moving the Web to HTTPS, and with a better sense of what they can do to help.

Speaker Bio
Josh Aas is a co-founder and the Executive Director of Internet Security Research Group (ISRG), the non-profit organization behind the Let's Encrypt certificate authority. Before ISRG and Let's Encrypt, Josh spent more than a decade as an engineer and strategist with Mozilla.

12:30 Lunch – Commons Hotel

14:00 Privacy Policy (Chair: Kelly Caine)

14:50 Break – Keller Hall Atrium

15:10 Privacy Protection (Chair: Aylin Caliskan)

16:00 Ice Cream Break – Keller Hall Atrium

16:20 New Avenues in Privacy (Chair: David Fifield)

17:10 Closing Remarks and Best Talk Award





Call for Talks: HotPETs 2017

10th Workshop on Hot Topics in Privacy Enhancing Technologies (HotPETs 2017)
Held in conjunction with the 17th Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium
July 21, 2017

The Workshop on Hot Topics in Privacy Enhancing Technologies (HotPETs) fosters new ideas and spirited debates on privacy. We are calling for engaging and informative 10-15 minute talks on hot topics in privacy enhancing technologies (PETs), with each talk to be followed by a 5-10 minute question period. Short, written talk proposals should be sent by May 8th, 2017, to (details below). The nature of HotPETs' discussion-oriented format is especially suited to works in progress and new ideas that have not yet been fully formed.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Who should submit:

We invite submissions from activists, artists, developers, journalists, lawyers, public servants, researchers, scholars, and any others who can give a compelling, novel talk about privacy and privacy-enhancing technologies. PETS and HotPETS attract world-renowned experts on the research, development, and practice of PETs. If you are excited to give a talk to such a group, and you think they would be excited to hear it, then you should submit. Some example talks:

What to submit:

We invite two-page talk proposals that give an overview of what you intend to present, including any results or conclusions you intend to share. HotPETs strives for engaging talks and focused discussions, and so proposals should display exciting ideas that can be communicated clearly and with brevity.

We encourage you to link to additional sources of your work (e.g., software, videos, websites, papers) within your proposal. The HotPETs chairs will strive to incorporate these additional sources into the review process, although full review of material beyond what is contained in the submission text is not guaranteed.

A proposal must include a title and a list of authors responsible for the work to be presented (one of whom must give the talk). It must be no more than two pages including references. It must be submitted as a Word or PDF document, and we recommend that proposals use either this Word template or this LaTeX template. For detailed information on using these templates, see the ACM SIG Proceedings templates.

HotPETs has no official proceedings, but accepted submissions will be made available on the HotPETs website (authors may revise them after acceptance). Authors may have the option to include talk-related resources, such as slides or software, on the HotPETs website. With speaker consent, recordings of HotPETs talks may be made during the workshop and put online.

Submission Review:

The HotPETs chairs will review the submissions and make the final decisions on acceptance. The chairs may request external input or advice to make fully informed decisions.

The chairs will seek to accept submissions that have the potential to create an engaging workshop for speakers and attendees. Accepted submissions may include those that provoke interesting discussion, provide unique insight or value to the PETs community, share new and emerging PETs-related research, and have the potential to expand engagement between the PETs community and PETs users.

The chairs seek submissions that are complete and concise. They should provide a full overview of the proposed talk, including (if available) any conclusions or findings that are to be presented.

HotPETs Best Talk Award:

A goal of HotPETs is to present talks that are informative, engaging, and even entertaining. To recognize such talks, each year HotPETs concludes with a vote by the audience for its favorite talk. The talk with the most votes wins the Best Talk Award!

Submission Deadline: May 8th
Submission Notification: May 15th

HotPETs chairs:

Send submissions or questions to