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Important links: Main Lecture Theater Livestream | Tress Lecture Theater Livestream | Banton Lecture Theater Livestream

Conference Schedule


FOCI Room: Main lecture theater 21:00-5:30 Program

Privacy, Safety, and Trust in Mobile health Apps Room: Merchant Venturers Building 2.59 1:30-5:30

Private Information retrieval Systems Room: Banton lecture theater 21:15-5:30 Program

The LINDDUN User Group Meeting Room: Humanities - B.H05 21:00-5:30 Program

Workshop on Security and Privacy for At Risk Communities: SPARC (Invite only) 21:00-5:30


20:30 (July 15)

Opening Remarks (Main)

21:00 (July 15)

Keynote: Improving Privacy on the Web with Law and Computer Science Transdisciplinary Research

Nataliia Bielova, Inria Centre at Université Côte d'Azur Room: Main 21:00-22:00 Abstract: The research in Web Privacy has significantly advanced in the last two decades, aiming to detect and measure the presence and mechanisms behind Web tracking technologies at large scale. Data Protection regulators worldwide have an important capability to improve privacy on the Web by detecting violations of the law and making legally-binding decisions to protect users. In this talk, I will share my approach to privacy from a transdisciplinary perspective combining Computer Science and Law and will highlight the opportunities and challenges in this new research field where combining expertise in different domains can significantly improve privacy of Web users. Bio: Nataliia Bielova is a Tenured Research Scientist at the French National Institute for Research in Digital Science and Technology (Inria) since 2013. She is a privacy expert with a multidisciplinary background in computer science and law, and investigating privacy and data protection on the Web. She is the recipient of a Young Researcher Award from the French National Research Agency (ANR) in 2018, Inria Doctoral Supervision and Research award in 2017 and 2021, Best of ACM CHI Honorable Mention award in 2021, and Rising Star award by Women at Privacy in 2023. During 2021-2022, she was a Senior Privacy Fellow at the French Data Protection Authority (CNIL).

22:00 (July 15)

Break (Humanities Foyer)

22:30 (July 15)

Session 1A: Biometrics and People Fingerprints

Room: Main Chair: Weijia He 22:30-0:00 Internet Users' Willingness to Disclose Biometric Data for Continuous Online Account Protection: An Empirical Investigation Florian Dehling (H-BRS University of Applied Sciences), Jan Tolsdorf (H-BRS University of Applied Sciences), Hannes Federrath (University of Hamburg), and Luigi Lo Iacono (H-BRS University of Applied Sciences) I still know it's you! On Challenges in Anonymizing Source Code Artifact: Available Micha Horlboge (TU Berlin), Erwin Quiring (Ruhr-University Bochum + ICSI), Roland Meyer (TU Braunschweig), and Konrad Rieck (TU Berlin) User-Controlled Privacy: Taint, Track, and Control Artifact: Reproduced François Hublet (ETH Zürich), David Basin (ETH Zürich), Srđan Krstić (ETH Zürich) Privacy-Preserving Fingerprinting Against Collusion and Correlation Threats in Genomic Data Tianxi Ji (Texas Tech University), Erman Ayday (Case Western Reserve University), Emre Yilmaz (University of Houston-Downtown), and Pan Li (Case Western Reserve University) Towards Biologically Plausible and Private Gene Expression Data Generation Dingfan Chen (CISPA – Helmholtz Center for Information Security), Marie Oestreich (Modular High Performance Computing and Artificial Intelligence, Systems Medicine, German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE), Bonn), Tejumade Afonja (CISPA – Helmholtz Center for Information Security), Raouf Kerkouche (CISPA – Helmholtz Center for Information Security), Matthias Becker (Modular High Performance Computing and Artificial Intelligence, Systems Medicine, German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE), Bonn), and Mario Fritz (CISPA – Helmholtz Center for Information Security) A False Sense of Privacy: Towards a Reliable Evaluation Methodology for the Anonymization of Biometric Data Simon Hanisch (Center for Tactile Internet (CeTI), Technical University Dresden), Julian Todt (KASTEL, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology), Jose Patino (Cerence), Nicholas Evans (Digital Security Department, EURECOM), Thorsten Strufe (KASTEL, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)

Session 1B: ML and AI (I)

Room: Tress Chair: Ryan Wails 22:30-0:00 Data Isotopes for Data Provenance in DNNs Artifact: Available Emily Wenger (The University of Chicago), Xiuyu Li (UC Berkeley), Ben Y. Zhao (The University of Chicago), Vitaly Shmatikov (Cornell Tech) PrivDNN: A Secure Multi-Party Computation Framework for Deep Learning using Partial DNN Encryption Artifact: Reproduced Liangqin Ren (University of Kansas), Zeyan Liu (University of Kansas), Fengjun Li (University of Kansas), Kaitai Liang (Delft University of Technology), Zhu Li (University of Missouri--Kansas City), and Bo Luo (University of Kansas) SoK: Wildest Dreams: Reproducible Research in Privacy-preserving Neural Network Training Tanveer Khan (Tampere University), Mindaugas Budzys (Tampere University), Khoa Nguyen (Tampere University), and Antonis Michalas (Tampere University) Link Stealing Attacks Against Inductive Graph Neural Networks Yixin Wu (CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security), Xinlei He (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou)), Pascal Berrang (University of Birmingham), Mathias Humbert (University of Lausanne), Michael Backes (CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security), Neil Gong (Duke University), and Yang Zhang (CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security) Subgraph Structure Membership Inference Attacks against Graph Neural Networks Xiuling Wang (Stevens Institute of Technology) and Wendy Hui Wang (Stevens Institute of Technology) Maui: Black-Box Edge Privacy Attack on Graph Neural Networks Haoyu He (The George Washington University), Isaiah J. King (The George Washington University), and H. Howie Huang (The George Washington University)

Session 1C: Tracing and Tracking

Room: Banton Chair: Wouter Lueks 22:30-0:00 DP-ACT: Decentralized Privacy-Preserving Asymmetric Digital Contact Tracing Azra Abtahi (Lund University), Mathias Payer (EPFL), Amir Aminifar (Lund University) Deniability in Automated Contact Tracing: Impossibilities and Possibilities Christoph U. Günther (Institute of Science and Technology Austria) and Krzysztof Pietrzak (Institute of Science and Technology Austria) Divisible E-Cash for Billing in Private Ad Retargeting Kevin Liao (MIT and Harvard Law School), Henry Corrigan-Gibbs (MIT), and Dan Boneh (Stanford University) Why Privacy-Preserving Protocols Are Sometimes Not Enough: A Case Study of the Brisbane Toll Collection Infrastructure Artifact: Reproduced Amirhossein Adavoudi Jolfaei (University of Luxembourg), Andy Rupp (University of Luxembourg and KASTEL SRL), Stefan Schiffner (Berufliche Hochschule Hamburg (BHH)), Thomas Engel (University of Luxembourg) Attacking Connection Tracking Frameworks as used by Virtual Private Networks Artifact: Reproduced Benjamin Mixon-Baca (Arizona State University/Breakpointing Bad), Jeffrey Knockel (Citizen Lab), Diwen Xue (University of Michigan), Deepak Kapur (University of New Mexico), Roya Ensafi (University of Michigan), and Jed Crandall (Arizona State University) Please Unstalk Me: Understanding Stalking with Bluetooth Trackers and Democratizing Anti-Stalking Protection Alexander Heinrich (Technische Universität Darmstadt, Secure Mobile Networking Lab), Leon Würsching (Technische Universität Darmstadt, Secure Mobile Networking Lab), and Matthias Hollick (Technische Universität Darmstadt, Secure Mobile Networking Lab)


Lunch (Humanities Foyer)


Session 2A: Understanding Users (I)

Room: Main Chair: Kovila Coopamootoo 1:30-3:00 What Does It Mean to Be Creepy? Responses to Visualizations of Personal Browsing Activity, Online Tracking, and Targeted Ads Artifact: Reproduced Nathan Reitinger (University of Maryland), Bruce Wen (University of Chicago), Michelle L. Mazurek (University of Maryland), and Blase Ur (University of Chicago) Exploring the Privacy Experiences of Closeted Users of Online Dating Services in the US Elijah Bouma-Sims (Carnegie Mellon University), Sanjnah Ananda Kumar (Carnegie Mellon University), Lorrie Faith Cranor (Carnegie Mellon University) Data Safety vs. App Privacy: Comparing the Usability of Android and iOS Privacy Labels Yanzi Lin (Wellesley College), Jaideep Juneja (Carnegie Mellon University), Eleanor Birrell (Pomona College), Lorrie Faith Cranor (Carnegie Mellon University) How Does Connecting Online Activities to Advertising Inferences Impact Privacy Perceptions? Florian M. Farke (Ruhr University Bochum), David G. Balash (University of Richmond), Maximilian Golla (CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security), Adam J. Aviv (The George Washington University) "Those things are written by lawyers, and programmers are reading that." Mapping the Communication Gap Between Software Developers and Privacy Experts Stefan Albert Horstmann (Ruhr University Bochum), Samuel Domiks (Independent), Marco Gutfleisch (Ruhr University Bochum), Mindy Tran (Paderborn University), Yasemin Acar (Paderborn University , The George Washington University), Veelasha Moonsamy (Ruhr University Bochum), Alena Naiakshina (Ruhr University Bochum) Privacy Policies on the Fediverse: A Case Study of Mastodon Instances Emma Tosch (Northeastern University), Luis Garcia (Northeastern University), Cynthia Li (Independent (prev. Pomona College)), and Chris Martens (Northeastern University)

Session 2B: Mixing, Intersections, and Unions

Room: Tress Chair: Steven Murdoch 1:30-3:00 Are continuous stop-and-go mixnets provably secure? Debajyoti Das (KU Leuven), Claudia Diaz (KU Leuven and Nym), Aggelos Kiayias (University of Edinburgh and IOG), and Thomas Zacharias (University of Glasgow) Provable Security for the Onion Routing and Mix Network Packet Format Sphinx Philip Scherer (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology), Christiane Weis (NEC Research Labs), and Thorsten Strufe (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology) Traceable mixnets Artifact: Reproduced Prashant Agrawal (CSE, IIT Delhi; CDAIS, Ashoka University), Abhinav Nakarmi (CSE, University of Michigan), Mahabir Prasad Jhanwar (CS and CDAIS, Ashoka University), Subodh Sharma (CSE, IIT Delhi), Subhashis Banerjee (CSE, IIT Delhi; CS and CDAIS, Ashoka University) Toward A Practical Multi-party Private Set Union Jiahui Gao (Arizona State University), Son Nguyen (Arizona State University), and Ni Trieu (Arizona State University) MixMatch: Flow Matching for Mixnet Traffic Artifact: Available Lennart Oldenburg (COSIC, KU Leuven), Marc Juarez (University of Edinburgh), Enrique Argones Rúa (COSIC, KU Leuven), Claudia Diaz (COSIC, KU Leuven, and Nym Technologies, SA) Multiparty Private Set Intersection Cardinality and Its Applications Jiahui Gao (Arizona State University), Ni Trieu (Arizona State University), Avishay Yanai (VMware Research)

Session 2C: Devices and TEEs

Room: Banton Chair: Gunes Acar 1:30-3:00 Security and Privacy with Second-Hand Storage Devices: A User-Centric Perspective from Switzerland Kavous Salehzadeh Niksirat (University of Lausanne), Diana Korka (University of Lausanne), Quentin Jacquemin (University of Lausanne), Céline Vanini (University of Lausanne), Mathias Humbert (University of Lausanne), Mauro Cherubini (University of Lausanne), Sylvain Métille (University of Lausanne), Kévin Huguenin (University of Lausanne) Efficient Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning with Lightweight Trusted Hardware Pengzhi Huang (Cornell University), Thang Hoang (Virginia Tech), Yueying Li (Cornell University), Elaine Shi (CMU), and G. Edward Suh (Cornell University / Meta) Privadome: Delivery Drones and Citizen Privacy Gokulnath M. Pillai (Indian Institute of Science Bangalore, and Cerebras Bangalore), Ajith Suresh (Indian Institute of Science Bangalore, and Technology Innovation Institute Abu Dhabi), Eikansh Gupta (Indian Institute of Science Bangalore, and Qualcomm Hyderabad), Vinod Ganapathy (Indian Institute of Science Bangalore), Arpita Patra (Indian Institute of Science Bangalore) Sloth: Key Stretching and Deniable Encryption using Secure Elements on Smartphones Daniel Hugenroth (University of Cambridge), Alberto Sonnino (MystenLabs & University College London), Sam Cutler (The Guardian), and Alastair R. Beresford (University of Cambridge) SGXonerate:Finding (and Partially Fixing) Privacy Flaws in TEE-based Smart Contract Platforms Without Breaking the TEEArtifact: Reproduced Nerla Jean-Louis (University of Illinois Urbana Champaign), Yunqi Li (University of Illinois Urbana Champaign), Yan Ji (Cornell University), Harjasleen Malvai (University of Illinois Urbana Champaign), Thomas Yurek (University of Illinois Urbana Champaign), Sylvain Bellemare (IC3 (Cornell University)), Andrew Miller (University of Illinois Urbana Champaign, IC3) Physical Side-Channel Attacks against Intermittent Devices Muslum Ozgur Ozmen (Purdue University), Habiba Farrukh (University of California Irvine), and Z. Berkay Celik (Purdue University)


Break (Humanities Foyer)


Session 3A: Cookies

Room: Main Chair: Piyush Kumar 3:30-5:00 A Large-Scale Study of Cookie Banner Interaction Tools and their Impact on Users' Privacy Artifact: Available Nurullah Demir (Institute for Internet Security & KASTEL Security Research Labs & Karlsruhe Institute of Technology ), Tobias Urban (Institute for Internet Security & secunet Security Networks AG), Norbert Pohlmann (Institute for Internet Security), Christian Wressnegger (KASTEL Security Research Labs & Karlsruhe Institute of Technology) Supporting Informed Choices about Browser Cookies: The Impact of Personalised Cookie Banners Artifact: Available Tom Biselli (Science and Technology for Peace and Security (PEASEC), Technical University of Darmstadt), Laura Utz (Science and Technology for Peace and Security (PEASEC), Technical University of Darmstadt), Christian Reuter (Science and Technology for Peace and Security (PEASEC), Technical University of Darmstadt) Block Cookies, Not Websites: Analysing Mental Models and Usability of the Privacy-Preserving Browser Extension CookieBlock Artifact: Available Lorin Schöni (ETH Zürich), Karel Kubicek (ETH Zürich), Verena Zimmermann (ETH Zürich) Crumbling Cookie Categories: Deconstructing Common Cookie Categories to Create Categories that People Understand Soha Jiwani (Carnegie Mellon University), Rachna Sasheendran (Carnegie Mellon University), Adhishree Abhyankar (Carnegie Mellon University), Elijah Bouma-Sims (Carnegie Mellon University), and Lorrie Cranor (Carnegie Mellon University) Generalizable Active Privacy Choice: Designing a Graphical User Interface for Global Privacy Control Artifact: Available Sebastian Zimmeck (Wesleyan University), Eliza Kuller (Wesleyan University), Chunyue Ma (Wesleyan University), Bella Tassone (Wesleyan University), Joe Champeau (Wesleyan University) Opted Out, Yet Tracked: Are Regulations Enough to Protect Your Privacy? Zengrui Liu (Texas A&M University), Umar Iqbal (Washington University in St. Louis), Nitesh Saxena (Texas A&M University)

Session 3B: Data Privacy

Room: Tress Chair: Zekeriya Erkin 3:30-5:00 FedLAP-DP: Federated Learning by Sharing Differentially Private Loss Approximations Hui-Po Wang (CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information), Dingfan Chen (CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information), Raouf Kerkouche (CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information), and Mario Fritz (CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information) Revealing the True Cost of Locally Differentially Private Protocols: An Auditing Perspective Héber H. Arcolezi (Inria) and Sébastien Gambs (Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM)) A Cautionary Tale: On the Role of Reference Data in Empirical Privacy Defenses Artifact: Reproduced Caelin Kaplan (SAP Labs France, Inria, Université Côte d’Azur), Chuan Xu (Inria, Université Côte d’Azur, CNRS, I3S), Othmane Marfoq (Inria, Université Côte d’Azur, Accenture Labs), Giovanni Neglia (Inria, Université Côte d’Azur), Anderson Santana de Oliveira (SAP Labs France) SoK: Data Privacy in Virtual Reality Gonzalo Munilla Garrido (TUM), Vivek Nair (UC Berkeley), Dawn Song (UC Berkeley) Computational Differential Privacy for Encrypted Databases Supporting Linear Queries Artifact: Available Ferran Alborch Escobar (Orange Innovation), Sébastien Canard (Télécom Paris), Fabien Laguillaumie (Université de Montpellier), and Duong Hieu Phan (Télécom Paris) Differentially Private Functional Encryption Jasmin Zalonis (University of Mannheim), Frederik Armknecht (University of Mannheim), and Linda Scheu-Hachtel (University of Mannheim)

Session 3C: IoT

Room: Banton Chair: Konrad Kollnig 3:30-5:00 Our Data, Our Solutions: A Participatory Approach for Enhancing Privacy in Wearable Activity Tracker Third-Party Apps Noé Zufferey (ETH Zürich), Kavous Salehzadeh Niksirat (EPFL), Mathias Humbert (University of Lausanne), and Kévin Huguenin (University of Lausanne) Scalable Metadata-Hiding for Privacy-Preserving IoT Systems Yunang Chen (University of Wisconsin-Madison), David Heath (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign), Rahul Chatterjee (University of Wisconsin-Madison), and Earlence Fernandes (UC San Diego) Connecting the Dots: Tracing Data Endpoints in IoT Devices Artifact: Available Md Jakaria (North Carolina State University), Danny Yuxing Huang (New York University), and Anupam Das (North Carolina State University) "My Best Friend's Husband Sees and Knows Everything": A Cross-Contextual and Cross-Country Approach to Understanding Smart Home Privacy Tess Despres (UC Berkeley), Marcelino Ayala Constantino (El Colegio de la Frontera Norte), Naomi Zacarias Lizola (El Colegio de la Frontera Norte), Gerardo Sánchez Romero (Mutua Social Research & Innovation), Shijing He (King’s College London), Xiao Zhan (King’s College London), Noura Abdi (Liverpool Hope University), Ruba Abu-Salma (King’s College London), Jose Such (King's College London & Universitat Politecnica de Valencia), and Julia Bernd (International Computer Science Institute) SocIoTy: Practical Cryptography in Smart Home Contexts Artifact: Reproduced Tushar M. Jois (City College of New York), Gabrielle Beck (Johns Hopkins University), Sofia Belikovetsky (Johns Hopkins University), Joseph Carrigan (Johns Hopkins University), Alishah Chator (Boston University), Logan Kostick (Johns Hopkins University), Maximilian Zinkus (Johns Hopkins University), Gabriel Kaptchuk (Boston University), Aviel D. Rubin (Johns Hopkins University) Contextualizing Interpersonal Data Sharing in Smart Homes Weijia He (Dartmouth College), Nathan Reitinger (University of Maryland, College Park), Atheer Almogbil (Johns Hopkins University), Yi-Shyuan Chiang (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign), Timothy J. Pierson (Dartmouth College), David Kotz (Dartmouth College)


Town Hall (Main)

21:00 (July 16)

Keynote: Building User-Centred Privacy Enhancing Technologies

Hamed Haddadi, Imperial College London Room: Main 21:00-22:00 Abstract: Researchers and industry practitioners have been building privacy-preserving analytics, data collection, and telemetry techniques for over a decade. However, the rise of interests of the tech industry in consumer analytics and the appetite of governments in citizen surveillance have led to a dichotomy between data collection, privacy, and providing data agency to the individuals. In this walk I will present an overview of the latest techniques and tools for private analytics, their dual-use nature, and potential solutions in designing technologies that caters for, and serve the individual users of modern systems. Bio: Hamed is the Professor of Human-Centred Systems at the Department of Computing at Imperial College London. He also serves as a Security Science Fellow of the Institute for Security Science and Technology. In his industrial role, he is the Chief Scientist at Brave Software where he works on developing privacy-preserving analytics protocols. He is interested in User-Centred Systems, IoT, Applied Machine Learning, and Data Security & Privacy. He enjoys designing and building systems that enable better use of our digital footprint, while respecting users' privacy.

22:00 (July 16)

Break (Humanities Foyer)

22:30 (July 16)

Session 4A: Censorship

Room: Main Chair: Rob Jansen 22:30-0:00 Automatic generation of web censorship probe lists Jenny Tang (Carnegie Mellon University), Leo Alvarez (EPFL and CMU), Arjun Brar (Carnegie Mellon University), Nguyen Phong Hoang (University of Chicago), and Nicolas Christin (Carnegie Mellon University) Communication Breakdown: Modularizing Application Tunneling for Signaling Around Censorship Paul Vines (Two Six Technologies), Samuel McKay (Two Six Technologies), Jesse Jenter (Two Six Technologies), Suresh Krishnaswamy (Two Six Technologies) A Framework for Provably Secure Onion Routing against a Global Adversary Philip Scherer (KIT Karlsruhe), Christiane Weis (NEC Laboratories Europe), Thorsten Strufe (KIT Karlsruhe) Onion Services in the Wild: A Study of Deanonymization Attacks Pascal Tippe (FernUniversität in Hagen) and Adrian Tippe (HTW Berlin) CoStricTor: Collaborative HTTP Strict Transport Security in Tor Browser Artifact: Reproduced Killian Davitt (University College London), Dan Ristea (University College London), Duncan Russell (The Tor Project), Steven J. Murdoch (University College London) DeTorrent: An Adversarial Padding-only Traffic Analysis Defense Artifact: Available James K Holland (University of Minnesota), Jason Carpenter (University of Minnesota), Se Eun Oh (Ewha Womans University), Nicholas Hopper (University of Minnesota)

Session 4B: ML and AI (II)

Room: Tress Chair: Vera Rimmer 22:30-0:00 GenAIPABench: A Benchmark for Generative AI-based Privacy Assistants Artifact: Available Aamir Hamid (University of Maryland Baltimore County), Hemanth Reddy Samidi (University of Maryland Baltimore County), Tim Finin (University of Maryland Baltimore County), Roberto Yus (University of Maryland Baltimore County), and Primal Pappachan (Portland State University) Edge Private Graph Neural Networks with Singular Value PerturbationArtifact: Reproduced Tingting Tang (University of Southern California), Yue Niu (University of Southern California), Salman Avestimehr (University of Southern California), and Murali Annavaram (University of Southern California) GCL-Leak: Link Membership Inference Attacks against Graph Contrastive Learning Xiuling Wang (Stevens Institute of Technology) and Wendy Hui Wang (Stevens Institute of Technology) TMI! Finetuned Models Leak Private Information from their Pretraining Data Artifact: Reproduced John Abascal (Northeastern University), Stanley Wu (University of Chicago), Alina Oprea (Northeastern University), and Jonathan Ullman (Northeastern University) Privacy Preserving Feature Selection for Sparse Linear Regression Artifact: Available Adi Akavia (University of Haifa), Ben Galili (Technion), Hayim Shaul (IBM Research), Mor Weiss (Bar-Ilan University), Zohar Yakhini (Reichman University and Technion) Model-driven Privacy Artifact: Reproduced Srdan Krstic (ETH Zurich), Hoang Nguyen (ETH Zurich), David Basin (ETH Zurich)

Session 4C: Regulation and Policies

Room: Banton Chair: Shaanan Cohney 22:30-0:00 A Bilingual Longitudinal Analysis of Privacy Policies Measuring the Impacts of the GDPR and the CCPA/CPRA Henry Hosseini (University of Münster), Christine Utz (CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security), Martin Degeling (Stiftung Neue Verantwortung), Thomas Hupperich (University of Münster) Two Steps Forward and One Step Back: The Right to Opt-out of Sale under CPRA Jan Charatan (Pomona College), Eleanor Birrell (Pomona College) What to Expect When You're Accessing: An Exploration of User Privacy Rights in People Search Websites Kejsi Take (NYU), Jordyn Young (University of Michigan), Rasika Bhalerao (Northeastern University), Kevin Gallagher (NOVA LINCS, NOVA School of Science and Technology), Andrea Forte (University of Michigan), Damon McCoy (NYU), and Rachel Greenstadt (NYU) Defining and Controlling Information Leakage in US Equities Trading Artifact: Reproduced Arthur Américo (Proof Trading), Allison Bishop (Proof Trading and City College, CUNY), Paul Cesaretti (Graduate Center, CUNY and Proof Trading), Garrison Grogan, Adam McKoy (Proof Trading), Robert Nicholas Moss (Proof Trading), Lisa Oakley (Notheastern University and Proof Trading), Marcel Ribeiro (Proof Trading), Mohammad Shokri (Graduate Center, CUNY and Proof Trading) Honesty is the Best Policy: On the Accuracy of Apple Privacy Labels Compared to Apps' Privacy Policies Artifact: Reproduced Mir Masood Ali (University of Illinois Chicago), David G. Balash (University of Richmond), Monica Kodwani (The George Washington University), Chris Kanich (University of Illinois Chicago), and Adam J. Aviv (The George Washington University) Mitigating Inference Risks with the NIST Privacy Framework Christopher B. Landis (Naval Postgraduate School), Joshua A. Kroll (Naval Postgraduate School)


Lunch (Humanities Foyer)


Session 5A - Analyses and Key Rotation

Room: Main Chair: Paul Syverson 1:30-2:00 QUICKeR: Quicker Updates Involving Continuous Key Rotation Artifact: Available Lawrence Lim (University of California, Santa Barbara), Wei-Yee Goh (University of California, Santa Barbara), Divyakant Agrawal (University of California, Santa Barbara), Amr El Abbadi (University of California, Santa Barbara), Trinabh Gupta (University of California, Santa Barbara) Provable Security Analysis of Butterfly Key Mechanism Protocol in IEEE 1609.2.1 Standard Alexandra Boldyreva (Georgia Institute of Technology), Virendra Kumar (Qualcomm), and Jiahao Sun (Georgia Institute of Technology)

Session 5B - Human Privacy

Room: Tress Chair: Jed Crandall 1:30-2:00 Anonify: Decentralized Dual-level Anonymity for Medical Data Donation Artifact: Reproduced Sarah Abdelwahab Gaballah (Ruhr University Bochum), Lamya Abdullah (Technical University of Darmstadt), Mina Alishahi (Open Universiteit), Thanh Hoang Long Nguyen (Technical University of Darmstadt), Ephraim Zimmer (Technical University of Darmstadt), Max Mühlhäuser (Technical University of Darmstadt), and Karola Marky (Ruhr University Bochum) SoK: Secure Human-centered Wireless Sensing Wei Sun (Duke University), Tingjun Chen (Duke University), Neil Gong (Duke University)

Speed Mentoring (Info and signups)


BoFs 1 (Tress)

  • Animal rights support in PETS, Vera Rimmer
  • Use of PETs technology in government, Jeremy Epstein
  • From Proposal to Funding in PETS, Mina Alishahi
  • Women in PETS, Alexandra Boldyreva and Filic Mia


BoFs 2 (Banton)

  • Brain Computer Interfaces (BCIs), Abraham Mhaidli
  • Are you not entertained? How to make privacy more fun!, Sebastian Zimmeck
  • REPHRAIN Testbed, Partha Das Chowdhury


Break (Humanities Foyer)


Session 6A: Understanding Users (II)

Room: Main Chair: Bailey Kacsmar 3:30-5:00 Privacy Protection Behaviors from a New Angle: Exploratory Analysis on a Russian Sample Artifact: Available Denis Obrezkov (German National Library of Science and Technology (TIB)) Media talks Privacy: Unraveling a Decade of Privacy Discourse around the World Shujaat Mirza (New York University), Corban Villa (New York University Abu Dhabi), and Christina Poepper (New York University Abu Dhabi) Generational Differences in Understandings of Privacy Terminology Charlotte Moremen (Pomona College), Jordan Hoogsteden (Harvard Law School), and Eleanor Birrell (Pomona College) Tailoring Digital Privacy Education Interventions for Older Adults: A Comparative Study on Modality Preferences and Effectiveness Heba Aly (Clemson University), Yizhou Liu (Clemson University), Reza Ghaiumy Anaraky (New York University), Sushmita Khan (Clemson University), Moses Namara (Clemson University), Kaileigh Angela Byrne (Clemson University), Bart Knijnenburg (Clemson University) Cross-Contextual Examination of Older Adults' Privacy Concerns, Behaviors, and Vulnerabilities Yixin Zou (Max Planck Institute for Security and Privacy), Kaiwen Sun (University of Michigan), Tanisha Afnan (University of Michigan), Ruba Abu-Salma (King's College London), Robin Brewer (University of Michigan), Florian Schaub (University of Michigan) Exploring Design Opportunities for Family-Based Privacy Education in Informal Learning Spaces Lanjing Liu (Virginia Tech), Lan Gao (University of Chicago), and Yaxing Yao (Virginia Tech)

Session 6B: Multiparty Computation

Room: Tress Chair: Sylvain Chatel 3:30-5:00 The Multiple Millionaires' Problem: New Algorithmic Approaches and Protocols Avishay Yanai and Tamir Tassa (Open University, Israel) Efficiently Compiling Secure Computation Protocols From Passive to Active Security: Beyond Arithmetic Circuits Artifact: Reproduced Marina Blanton (University at Buffalo), Dennis Murphy (University at Buffalo), Chen Yuan (Meta Platform, Inc.) Summation-based Private Segmented Membership Test from Threshold-Fully Homomorphic Encryption Nirajan Koirala (University of Notre Dame), Jonathan Takeshita (University of Notre Dame), Jeremy Stevens (University of Notre Dame), and Taeho Jung (University of Notre Dame) Multipars: Reduced-Communication MPC over Z2k Artifact: Reproduced Sebastian Hasler (University of Stuttgart), Pascal Reisert (University of Stuttgart), Marc Rivinius (University of Stuttgart), Ralf Küsters (University of Stuttgart) PRAC: Round-Efficient 3-Party MPC for Dynamic Data Structures Artifact: Reproduced Sajin Sasy (University of Waterloo), Adithya Vadapalli (IIT Kanpur), and Ian Goldberg (University of Waterloo) Extending the Security of SPDZ with Fairness Bart Veldhuizen (Independent researcher), Gabriele Spini (TNO), Thijs Veugen (TNO and Twente University), Lisa Kohl (CWI)

Session 6C: Location Privacy

Room: Banton Chair: Matthew Bradbury 3:30-5:00 PRIVIC: A privacy-preserving method for incremental collection of location data Artifact: Available Sayan Biswas (INRIA and LIX, École Polytechnique), Catuscia Palamidessi (INRIA and LIX, École Polytechnique) Snail: Secure Single Iteration Localization Artifact: Reproduced James Choncholas (Georgia Institute of Technology), Pujith Kachana (Georgia Institute of Technology), André Mateus (Ericsson Research), Gregoire Phillips (Ericsson Research), and Ada Gavrilovska (Georgia Institute of Technology) Over Fences and Into Yards: Privacy Threats and Concerns of Commercial Satellites Rachel McAmis (University of Washington), Mattea Sim (University of Indiana Bloomington), Mia Bennett (University of Washington), Tadayoshi Kohno (University of Washington) Selective Authenticated Pilot Location Disclosure for Remote ID-enabled Drones Pietro Tedeschi (Technology Innovation Institute (TII), Abu Dhabi, UAE), Siva Ganesh Ganti (Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), Eindhoven, Netherlands), and Savio Sciancalepore (Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), Eindhoven, Netherlands) A Zero Auxiliary Knowledge Membership Inference Attack on Aggregate Location Data Vincent Guan (Imperial College London), Florent Guépin (Imperial College London), Ana-Maria Cretu (EPFL), and Yves-Alexandre de Montjoye (Imperial College London) SoK: Can Trajectory Generation Combine Privacy and Utility? Artifact: Reproduced Erik Buchholz (UNSW Sydney), Sharif Abuadbba (CSIRO's Data61), Shuo Wang (CSIRO's Data61), Surya Nepal (CSIRO's Data61), and Salil S. Kanhere (UNSW Sydney)


Poster Session (Humanities Gallery)


21:00 (July 17)

Keynote: Fighting Back: Science’s Role in Defending Internet Freedom on an Increasingly Censored Planet

Roya Ensafi, University of Michigan Room: Main 21:00-22:00 Abstract: The last decade has seen an alarming spread of network interference and censorship well beyond traditional offenders such as Russia and China. This alarming trend jeopardises Internet freedom for billions of users around the world. To preserve human rights and Internet freedom, the scientific community must step up to bring transparency to such practices, build more effective defensive technologies, and partner with civil society to safeguard users. In this talk, I will share experiences from my work in this critical area as well as highlight key lessons learned and pressing challenges where your expertise and engagement are urgently needed. Bio:  Roya Ensafi is an associate professor of computer science and engineering at the University of Michigan, where her research focuses on Internet security and privacy, with the goal of creating techniques and systems to better protect users online. She is particularly passionate about online censorship, geo-discrimination, surveillance, and related threats to Internet freedom. Prof. Ensafi is the founder of Censored Planet, a global censorship observatory. She has studied Russia’s throttling of Twitter, HTTPS interception in Kazakhstan, and China’s Great Cannon attack, among many other instances of network interference. She is a recipient of the Sloan Research Fellowship, NSF CAREER, Google Faculty Research Award, multiple IRTF Applied Networking Research Prizes, and the Consumer Reports Digital Lab fellowship. Her work has been cited in popular publications such as The New York Times, Newsweek, Business Insider, Wired, and Ars Technica.

22:00 (July 17)

Break (Humanities Foyer)

22:30 (July 17)

Session 7A: Advertising

Room: Main Chair: Christine Utz 22:30-1200 Summary Reports Optimization in the Privacy Sandbox Attribution Reporting API Hidayet Aksu (Google), Badih Ghazi (Google Research), Pritish Kamath (Google Research), Ravi Kumar (Google Research), Pasin Manurangsi (Google Research), Adam Sealfon (Google Research), and Avinash V Varadarajan (Google) Differentially Private Ad Conversion Measurement John Delaney (Google), Badih Ghazi (Google), Charlie Harrison (Google), Christina Ilvento (Google), Ravi Kumar (Google), Pasin Manurangsi (Google), Martin Pál (Google), Karthik Prabhakar (Google), Mariana Raykova (Google) Johnny Still Can't Opt-out: Assessing the IAB CCPA Compliance Framework Artifact: Available Muhammad Abu Bakar Aziz (Northeastern University) and Christo Wilson (Northeastern University) Evaluating Google's Protected Audience Protocol Artifact: Reproduced Minjun Long (University of Virginia) and David Evans (University of Virginia) What Do Privacy Advertisements Communicate to Consumers? Xiaoxin Shen (Carnegie Mellon University, US), Eman Alashwali (King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), King Abdulaziz University (KAU), Saudi Arabia, and Carnegie Mellon University (CMU), US), and Lorrie Faith Cranor (Carnegie Mellon University, US) CheckOut: User-Controlled Anonymization for Customer Loyalty Programs Artifact: Reproduced Matthew Gregoire (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), Rachel Thomas (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), and Saba Eskandarian (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)

Session 7B: ML and AI (III)

Room: Tress Chair: Bailey Kacsmar 22:30-0:00 Hawk: Accurate and Fast Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning Using Secure Lookup Table Computation Hamza Saleem (University of Southern California), Amir Ziashahabi (University of Southern California), Muhammad Naveed (University of Southern California), and Salman Avestimehr (University of Southern California) SIGMA: Secure GPT Inference with Function Secret Sharing Artifact: Available Kanav Gupta (University of Maryland, College Park), Neha Jawalkar (Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore), Ananta Mukherjee (Microsoft Research), Nishanth Chandran (Microsoft Research), Divya Gupta (Microsoft Research), Ashish Panwar (Microsoft Research), and Rahul Sharma (Microsoft Research) Privacy-Preserving Membership Queries for Federated Anomaly Detection Jelle Vos (Delft University of Technology), Sikha Pentyala (University of Washington Tacoma), Steven Golob (University of Washington Tacoma), Ricardo Maia (University of Brasília), Dean Kelley (University of Washington Tacoma), Zekeriya Erkin (Delft University of Technology), Martine De Cock (University of Washington Tacoma), and Anderson Nascimento (University of Washington Tacoma) SEDMA: Self-Distillation with Model Aggregation for Membership Privacy Tsunato Nakai (Mitsubishi Electric Corporation), Ye Wang (Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories), Kota Yoshida (Ritsumeikan University), Takeshi Fujino (Ritsumeikan University) AUTOLYCUS: Exploiting Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) for Model Extraction Attacks against Interpretable Models Abdullah Caglar Oksuz (Case Western Reserve University), Anisa Halimi (IBM Research - Dublin), and Erman Ayday (Case Western Reserve University) VFLGAN: Vertical Federated Learning-based Generative Adversarial Network for Vertically Partitioned Data Publication Xun Yuan (National University of Singapore), Yang Yang (National University of Singapore), Prosanta Gope (University of Sheffield), Aryan Mohammadi Pasikhani (University of Sheffield), and Biplab Sikdar (National University of Singapore)

Session 7C: Private Computing

Room: Banton Chair: Nick Hopper 22:30-0:00 PLASMA: Private, Lightweight Aggregated Statistics against Malicious Adversaries Artifact: Reproduced Dimitris Mouris (University of Delaware), Pratik Sarkar (Supra Research), and Nektarios G. Tsoutsos (University of Delaware) Compact: Approximating Complex Activation Functions for Secure Computation Mazharul Islam (University of Wisconsin-Madison), Sunpreet S. Arora (Visa Research), Rahul Chatterjee (University of Wisconsin-Madison), Peter Rindal (Visa Research), and Maliheh Shirvanian (Netflix) Constant-Round Private Decision Tree Evaluation for Secret Shared Data Artifact: Available Nan Cheng (University of St.Gallen), Naman Gupta (IIT Delhi), Aikaterini Mitrokotsa (University of St.Gallen), Hiraku Morita (Aarhus University and University of Copenhagen), Kazunari Tozawa (The University of Tokyo) Blending Different Latency Traffic With Beta Mixing Iness Ben Guirat (COSIC KU leuven), Debajyoti Das (COSIC KU leuven), Claudia Diaz (COSIC KU leuven) DeVoS: Deniable Yet Verifiable Vote Updating Artifact: Reproduced Johannes Müller (University of Luxembourg), Balázs Pejó (Budapest University of Technology and Economics), Ivan Pryvalov (University of Luxembourg & Brandenburg University of Technology) Delegated Private Matching For Compute Artifact: Reproduced Dimitris Mouris (University of Delaware), Daniel Masny (Meta Inc.), Ni Trieu (Arizona State University), Shubho Sengupta (Meta Inc.), Prasad Buddhavarapu (Meta Inc.), Benjamin Case (Meta Inc.)


Lunch (Humanities Foyer)


Session 8A: Tracking

Room: Main Chair: Diwen Xue 1:30-3:00 Interest-disclosing Mechanisms for Advertising are Privacy-Exposing (not Preserving) Artifact: Reproduced Yohan Beugin (University of Wisconsin-Madison), Patrick McDaniel (University of Wisconsin-Madison) The Devil is in the Details: Detection, Measurement and Lawfulness of Server-Side Tracking on the Web Imane Fouad (Inria Lille, Univ Lille,), Cristiana Santos (Utrecht University), and Pierre Laperdrix (CNRS, Univ Lille, Inria Lille) Client-side and Server-side Tracking on Meta: Effectiveness and Accuracy Asmaa EL FRAIHI (CNRS, INRIA, Ecole Polytechnique), Nardjes AMIEUR (CNRS, INRIA, Ecole Polytechnique), Oana GOGA (CNRS, INRIA, Ecole Polytechnique), and Walter Rudametkin (INRIA) FP-tracer: Fine-grained Browser Fingerprinting Detection via Taint-tracking and Multi-level Entropy-based Thresholds Artifact: Available Soumaya Boussaha (SAP Security Research), Lukas Hock (SAP Security Research), Miguel Bermejo (UC3M), Ruben Cuevas Rumin (UC3M), Angel Cuevas Rumin (UC3M), David Klein (TU Braunschweig), Martin Johns (TU Braunschweig), Luca Compagna (SAP Security Research), Daniele Antonioli (Eurecom), and Thomas Barber (SAP Security Research) Overprofiling Analysis on Major Internet Players Francisco Caravaca (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid), José González-Cabañas (UC3M-Santander Big Data Institute), Ángel Cuevas (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid; UC3M-Santander Big Data Institute), and Rubén Cuevas (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid; UC3M-Santander Big Data Institute)

Session 8B: Credentials, Signatures, and Sign-on

Room: Tress Chair: Debajyoti Das 1:30-3:00 Simply tell me how - On Trustworthiness and Technology Acceptance of Attribute-Based Credentials Rachel Crowder (Newcastle University), George Price (Newcastle University), and Thomas Gross (Newcastle University) Compact Issuer-Hiding Authentication, Application to Anonymous Credential Olivier Sanders (Orange, Applied Crypto Group) and Jacques Traoré (Orange, Applied Crypto Group) Support Personas: A Concept for Tailored Support of Users of Privacy-Enhancing Technologies Kilian Demuth (PEASEC - TU Darmstadt), Sebastian Linsner (PEASEC - TU Darmstadt), Tom Biselli (PEASEC - TU Darmstadt), Marc-Andre Kaufhold (PEASEC - TU Darmstadt), and Christian Reuter (PEASEC - TU Darmstadt) Unlinkable Policy-Compliant Signatures for Compliant and Decentralized Anonymous Payments Christian Badertscher (Input Output), Mahdi Sedaghat (COSIC, KU Leuven), and Hendrik Waldner (University of Maryland, College Park) SoK: Trusting Self-Sovereign Identity Evan Krul (UNSW Sydney), Hye-young Paik (UNSW Sydney), Sushmita Ruj (UNSW Sydney), and Salil S. Kanhere (UNSW Sydney) Post-quantum XML and SAML Single Sign-On Artifact: Reproduced Johannes Müller (CNRS/INRIA Nancy) and Jan Oupický (University of Luxembourg)

Session 8C: Potpourri

Room: Banton Chair: Eman Alashwali 1:30-3:00 FlashSwift: A Configurable and More Efficient Range Proof With Transparent Setup Nan Wang (CSIRO's Data61) and Dongxi Liu (CSIRO's Data61) On the Quality of Privacy Policy Documents of Virtual Personal Assistant Applications Artifact: Reproduced Chuan Yan (University of Queensland, Australia), Fuman Xie (University of Queensland, Australia), Mark Huasong Meng (Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore), Yanjun Zhang (University of Technology Syndey, Australia), Guangdong Bai (University of Queensland, Australia) SublonK: Sublinear Prover PlonK Arka Rai Choudhuri (NTT Research), Sanjam Garg (UC Berkeley), Aarushi Goel (NTT Research), Sruthi Sekar (UC Berkeley), and Rohit Sinha (Swirlds Inc.) Investigating the Effect of Misalignment on Membership Privacy in the White-box Setting Artifact: Reproduced Ana-Maria Cretu (EPFL), Daniel Jones (M365 Research), Yves-Alexandre de Montjoye (Imperial College London), and Shruti Tople (Azure Research) Measuring Conditional Anonymity---A Global Study Pascal Berrang, Paul Gerhart (Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg), and Dominique Schröder Decision-based Data Distribution (D³): Enabling Users to Minimize Data Propagation in Privacy-sensitive Scenarios Sebastian Linsner (PEASEC - TU Darmstadt), Kilian Demuth (PEASEC - TU Darmstadt), Marc Fischlin (Cryptoplexity - TU Darmstadt), and Christian Reuter (PEASEC - TU Darmstadt)


Break (Humanities Foyer)


Rump Session (Main; Chair: Roger Dingledine)


Session 9A: Messaging

Room: Main Chair: Nadim Kobeissi 4:30-6:00 SoK: Metadata-Protecting Communication Systems Sajin Sasy (University of Waterloo), Ian Goldberg (University of Waterloo) The Medium is the Message: How Secure Messaging Apps Leak Sensitive Data to Push Notification Services Nikita Samarin (University of California, Berkeley), Alex Sanchez (University of California, Berkeley), Trinity Chung (University of California, Berkeley), Akshay Dan Bhavish Juleemun (University of California, Berkeley), Conor Gilsenan (University of California, Berkeley), Nick Merrill (University of California, Berkeley), Joel Reardon (University of Calgary), and Serge Egelman (International Computer Science Institute (ICSI) and University of California, Berkeley) A Deniability Analysis of Signal’s Initial Handshake PQXDH Rune Fiedler (Technische Universität Darmstadt) and Christian Janson (Technische Universität Darmstadt) Anonymous Complaint Aggregation for Secure Messaging Artifact: Reproduced Connor Bell (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) and Saba Eskandarian (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) A Black-Box Privacy Analysis of Messaging Service Providers' Chat Message Processing Artifact: Available Robin Kirchner (TU Braunschweig), Simon Koch (TU Braunschweig), Noah Kamangar (TU Braunschweig), David Klein (TU Braunschweig), and Martin Johns (TU Braunschweig) NOTRY: Deniable messaging with retroactive avowal Artifact: Reproduced Faxing Wang (University of Melbourne), Shaanan Cohney (University of Melbourne), Riad Wahby (Carnegie Mellon University), Joseph Bonneau (a16z Crypto Research)

Session 9B:Faces, Images, and the Web

Room: Tress Chair: Eleanor Birrell 4:30-6:00 Diversity-driven Privacy Protection Masks Against Unauthorized Face Recognition Ka Ho Chow (Georgia Institute of Technology), Sihao Hu (Georgia Institute of Technology), Tiansheng Huang (Georgia Institute of Technology), Fatih Ilhan (Georgia Institute of Technology), Wenqi Wei (Fordham University), and Ling Liu (Georgia Institute of Technology) Fantômas: Understanding Face Anonymization Reversibility Artifact: Available Julian Todt (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology), Simon Hanisch (Technical University Dresden), and Thorsten Strufe (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology) Website Data Transparency in the Browser Artifact: Available Sebastian Zimmeck (Wesleyan University), Daniel Goldelman (Wesleyan University), Owen Kaplan (Wesleyan University), Logan Brown (Wesleyan University), Justin Casler (Wesleyan University), Judeley Jean-Charles (Wesleyan University), Joe Champeau (Wesleyan University), Hamza Harkous (Google) Raising the Bar: Improved Fingerprinting Attacks and Defenses for Video Streaming Traffic Artifact: Available David Hasselquist (Linköping University & Sectra Communications), Ethan Witwer (Linköping University), August Carlson (Linköping University), Niklas Johansson (Linköping University & Sectra Communications), and Niklas Carlsson (Linköping University) StyleAdv: A Usable Privacy Framework Against Facial Recognition with Adversarial Image Editing Artifact: Available Minh-Ha Le (Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden), Niklas Carlsson (Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden) PrivacyLens: On-Device PII Removal from RGB Images using Thermally-Enhanced Sensing Yasha Iravantchi (University of Michigan), Thomas Krolikowski (University of Michigan), William Wang (University of Michigan), Kang G. Shin (University of Michigan), and Alanson Sample (University of Michigan)

Session 9C: Search and Aggregation

Room: Banton Chair: Stefanie Roos 4:30-6:00 Understanding Leakage in Searchable Encryption: a Quantitative Approach Alexandra Boldyreva (Georgia Institute of Technology), Zichen Gui (ETH Zürich), and Bogdan Warinschi (Dfinity & University of Bristol) MAPLE: MArkov Process Leakage attacks on Encrypted Search Artifact: Reproduced Seny Kamara (MongoDB & Brown University), Abdelkarim Kati (Mohammed-VI Polytechnic University), Tarik Moataz (MongoDB), Jamie DeMaria (Elementl), Andrew Park (Carnegie Mellon University), Amos Treiber (Technical University of Darmstadt) PLAN: Variance-Aware Private Mean Estimation Artifact: Available Martin Aumüller (IT University of Copenhagen), Christian Lebeda (BARC and IT University of Copenhagen), Boel Nelson (Aarhus University), and Rasmus Pagh (BARC and University of Copenhagen) MicroSecAgg: Streamlined Single-Server Secure Aggregation Yue Guo (JP Morgan AI Research), Antigoni Polychroniadou (JP Morgan AI Research), Elaine Shi (Carnegie Mellon University), David Byrd (Bowdoin College), and Tucker Balch (J.P. Morgan AI Research) SWiSSSE: System-Wide Security for Searchable Symmetric Encryption Artifact: Reproduced Zichen Gui (ETH Zurich), Kenneth G. Paterson (ETH Zurich), Sikhar Patranabis (IBM Research India), Bogdan Warinschi (University of Bristol and DFINITY) Secure Range-Searching Using Copy-And-Recurse Hayim Shaul (IBM Research), Eyal Kushnir (IBM Research), and Guy Moshkowich (IBM Research)


Closing Remarks (Main)


Awards Reception (Humanities Foyer)

21:00 (July 18)

Opening Remarks

21:10 (July 18)

Unsafe at any AUC: Unlearned Lessons from Sociotechnical Disasters for Privacy

Joshua Kroll, US Naval Postgraduate School Room: Main 21:10-22:10 Abstract: Man-made catastrophes have been studied for many decades because of the high impact severity of these events: Chernobyl, Three Mile Island, Fukushima-Daiichi, Bhopal, the Vajont Dam Collapse, Challenger, the Financial Crash of 2008. A common misconception is that these kinds of events are rare ``freak'' accidents and result from the inherently unforeseeable interactions in complex systems. A closer examination of these disasters reveals that the risks and hazards were well-known beforehand but not acted upon due to social structural, political and economic factors. As computing and data-driven technologies pervade more of society, and are used to manage consequential outcomes, understanding their capabilities, limitations, and attendant risks in context requires analysis of full sociotechnical systems. Sociotechnical analysis of risks in highly complex systems provides clear lessons for the design and evaluation of computing systems, transcending a technical focus on reliable or “responsibly designed” components to understand risks at a systemic level. We outline several ways in which the unlearned lessons of previous catastrophes can inform engineering practice beyond the traditional focus on narrow technical failure, considering especially the social and organizational dynamics that shape decision-making: improving risk perception, communication, and analysis at the organizational level; traceability of requirements and responsibilities; and holistic approaches to responsibility and safety. Bio: Joshua A. Kroll is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at the Naval Postgraduate School. He studies the relationship between governance, public policy, and computer systems using an interdisciplinary approach. His research focuses on the gap between abstract, values-oriented goals and concrete technical implementation in areas such as information privacy, cybersecurity, and trustworthy and responsible AI. His research group studies how to situate technical decision-making and risk management in a human, organizational, and policy context to bridge from high-level goals to specific, implementable requirements. Joshua's publications have appeared in venues as diverse as law reviews, the IEEE Security & Privacy Symposium, and the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society. His paper "Accountable Algorithms" in the University of Pennsylvania Law Review received the Future of Privacy Forum's Privacy Papers for Policymakers Award in 2017. Joshua helped to create and remains an active participant in and organizer of the ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency. Prior to NPS, Joshua was a postdoctoral researcher at the UC Berkeley School of Information, a systems engineer at the Internet performance and security company Cloudflare, and held the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship during his PhD in Computer Science at Princeton University’s Center for Information Technology Policy.

22:10 (July 18)

Break (Humanities Foyer)

22:40 (July 18)

Session A

Room: Main 22:40–0:00 Online advice following disruptive events: A case study on TikTok and reproductive privacy Harshini Sri Ramulu (Paderborn University), Rachel Gonzalez Rodriguez (The George Washington University), Yasemin Acar (Paderborn University), Lucy Simko (The George Washington University) Okay, so you’ve got a PET? That don’t impress me much Calum Inverarity (Open Data Institute), Ruba Abu-Salma (King's College London; Open Data Institute), Claudine Tinsman (Open Data Institute), Neil Majithia (Open Data Institute) Raising Awareness of the Privacy and Safety Challenges Faced by Smart Home Product Teams in Non-WEIRD Countries Shijing He (King’s College London) Yaxiong Lei (University of St Andrews), Chi Zhang (University of St Andrews), Ruba Abu-Salma (King’s College London), Jose Such (King’s College London)


Lunch (Humanities Foyer)


Session B

Room: Main 1:30–3:00 The fine art of opening shady documents Alex Pyrgiotis (Freedom of the Press Foundation) Automating the discovery and reverse-engineering of proprietary cryptography in popular Chinese applications Mona Wang (Princeton University), Jeffrey Knockel (Citizen Lab at University of Toronto), Jonathan Mayer (Princeton University), Prateek Mittal (Princeton University) Looking back at the impacts of Tor's end-of-life policy Jules Dejaeghere (University of Namur), Lionel Goffaux (University of Namur), Hosam Elkoulak (University of Namur) and Florentin Rochet (University of Namur)


Ice Cream! (Humanities Foyer)


Session C

Room: Main 3:30-4:30 Automated Enforcement, Monitoring, and Satisfaction of Notices, Consents, and Controls Branden Archer (Google), Pauline Anthonysamy (Google) The Need for a (Research) Sandstorm through the Privacy Sandbox Yohan Beugin (University of Wisconsin-Madison), Patrick McDaniel (University of Wisconsin-Madison)


Closing Remarks and Award

20:50 (July 19)


Please see the hike page for full details. You must register at the welcome desk to participate; spaces are limited.